archive project

( 60 - Publication )
2021-05-17 Employment and wages in the public sector in Poland
The aim of the project is to review recent developments in public wage bill in Poland and to identify factors that may influence its changes in the future. In particular, we will analyse: wages adequacy in public administrationregional differences in wages in public administrationdemographic structure of employment in public administrationimpact of minimum wage changes on the wage bill in public administration Based on the conducted analyses, we will formulate general…
2020-10-19 Guidelines for the Upper Silesian Territorial Just Transition Plan
The aim of the project was to provide analytical support and recommendations helpful in the preparation of the Territorial Just Transition Plan as well as other strategic documents supporting the low-carbon development pathway in the Upper Silesia Region.   In the project we: provided a comprehensive diagnosis of the regional economy and the labour market in the Upper Silesiaassessed the role of mining…
2020-05-05 Energy poverty and health
The aim of the project is to assess the relationship between energy poverty and health. We will use a field study in Tychy and Ruda Śląska. Our project is one of the first studies in Poland that combines data on health and energy use in households.   Energy poverty may be associated with health problems, in particular lung diseases. It has been confirmed by research…
2020-05-05 Labour market in the Śląskie Voivodeship and climate neutrality in 2050
The aim of the project is to assess the impact of achieving climate neutrality on the labour market in the Śląskie Voivodeship. A just transformation of the Silesia region is crucial for reducing emissions of the energy sector and minimizing the social costs of this process. In our project, we assume ambitious climate goals for Poland and we take into account the…
2020-05-01 TIPPING+ – Enabling positive tipping points towards clean energy transitions in coal and carbon-intensive regions
National and international climate mitigation policies often do not consider the objective conditions and challenges present at the regional level, resulting in misalignments between (inter) national climate policy goals and local priorities. This holds especially in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIR) that depend economically on fossil fuels. Implementing mitigation actions and climate policies towards clean energy transition can be highly…
2020-02-06 Income effect and household decisions about labour supply: a quasi-experimental approach
The goal of the project is to provide new empirical results regarding the role of the income effect in making decisions about the labor supply. The introduction of a child benefit in Poland (Family 500+ program) makes it possible to identify the income effect due to the unique design of the program: unconditional allowance for the second and each subsequent child…
2019-10-04 Modelling the Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Policies in Chile
Between 2013 and 2014 experts from the Institute for Structural Research took part in the MAPS Chile project. Its aim was to develop a general equilibrium model of the Chilean economy and to assess the macroeconomic effects of climate change mitigation policies. This project, which is conducted between August 2019 and January 2020, will consist of updating the model and using…
2019-10-04 Task content of occupations in countries at various development levels
In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in how the future of work will be shaped by new technologies. Economists have found analysis of changes in job tasks to be a fruitful way to understand how labour market outcomes are influenced by the changing nature of work. In this project, we develop a methodology of predicting worker tasks in countries at various development levels. We utilize the results…
2019-09-30 Housing market in Poland and its impact on the labour market
Inadequate supply of housing in Poland results in its limited availability, exacerbated by spatial mismatch between the supply and demand. The goal of the project is to compare the Polish housing market with other EU countries and to analyse the impact of the inadequate housing resources on the spatial mobility on the labour market. The research, using data on income and expenditure of households,…
2019-05-08 Optimal transition tools for Silesia based on Solidarity and Just Transition Silesia Declaration
The aim of the project is to assess employment prospects for workers leaving the mining sector in the Silesia region. The study will be based on the case of Silesia as it is the most coal intensive region in Poland (both in terms of production and consumption) with the highest employment in coal mining, reaching currently around 84,000 people. The study will help to mitigate…
2018-12-27 Addressing technological unemployment in Poland
Recent technological progress speeds up changes in the nature of work – the tasks that we perform at work require different skills than they used to in the past. In the US and Western Europe digitization and automation, as well as growing importance of cognitive work worsen the position of workers performing routine and physical tasks – the risk of unemployment in this group…
2018-11-20 Youth employment partnerSHIP – evaluation studies in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland
Project website: How effectively are young people supported on the labour market? Project “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” aims to answer this question by evaluating employment initiatives targeting youth in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland. The European Youth Guarantee (EYG) was introduced in 2013 to combat youth unemployment. Five years in, policies resulting from EYG still lack comprehensive evaluations in a cross-country framework. The countries participating in the…
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