policy paper

Fundacja Naukowa Instytut Badań Strukturalnych ul. Irysowa 18c, 02-660 Warszawa, Polska KRS 0000249402 REGON 140420239 NIP 701-00-06-634
( 32 - Publication )
2021-01-12 How to improve the quality of life of the energy poor?
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In Poland, about 10% (1.3 million) of the population are energy-poor households that cannot heat and light their dwellings properly or use electrical appliances. The most common causes of energy poverty are low energy efficiency of the building and heat source, high energy costs and low income. ...
2020-01-16 Increasing female labour force participation in Poland
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I would like to thank Jan Rutkowski for his support in preparing the paper and all valuable remarks and Mateusz Smoter for his helpful comments. The content of this publication reflects the opinions of the author, which may diverge from the position of the Institute ...
2019-12-16 Not studying or working. A challenge for public policy?
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This publication was created as part of the “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” project, which seeks to combat unemployment among young people. It measures the effectiveness of instruments to support young people who aren’t working or studying in four countries: Poland, Spain, Italy and Hungary. The project ...
2019-05-15 Will the Polish pension system go bankrupt?
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We would like to thank Jan Rutkowski for his helpful comments and remarks. The content of this publication reflects the opinions of the authors, which may diverge from the position of the Institute for Structural Research. The usual disclaimers apply. Independent study based on UN ...
2019-03-20 Who is burdened by taxes in Poland?
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I would like to thank Jan Rutkowski for his helpful comments and remarks. I also thank Aneta Kiełczewska for her help in compiling statistical data. The content of this publication reflects the opinions of the author, which may diverge from the position of the Institute ...
2018-06-25 How does technology change the nature of work? Poland vs. the EU
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*I would like to express my gratitude to Wojciech Hardy for his help in preparing the diagrams and collaboration in writing scientific articles which were the starting point for this paper. I would also like to thank Roma Keister and Szymon Górka for collaboration in ...
2018-01-27 How to reduce energy poverty in Poland?
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Project funded by the European Climate Foundation. Own study based on data from the Polish Household Budget Survey 2012–2016 by the Central Statistical Office. The Central Statistical Office is not liable for the data and conclusions presented in the publication. The content of this publication ...
2017-10-10 Is Poland a welfare state?
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I would like to thank Jan Rutkowski for his helpful comments and remarks. The content of this publication reflects the opinions of the author, which may diverge from the position of the Institute for Structural Research. The usual disclaimers apply. Independent study based on Eurostat ...
2017-06-20 Is high inequality an issue in Poland?
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The author would like to thank Beata Kwiatkowska, Piotr Lewandowski and Jan Rutkowski for their helpful comments and remarks. The usual disclaimers apply. Independent study based on Eurostat data. Eurostat has no responsibility for the results and the conclusions. The content of this publication reflects ...
2016-11-10 Fuel poverty alleviation in Poland: turning evidence into action
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Based on the evidence of the fuel poverty in Poland we describe the policy options for alleviation fuel poverty. The current policy instruments are inefficient, incoherent and focus only on the reduction of the severity of the problem. Going beyond the diagnosis we present the best practices from selected countries. ...
2016-06-20 A routine transition? Causes and consequences of the changing content of jobs in Central and Eastern Europe
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In this paper, we study the shift from manual to cognitive work in 10 economies of Central and Eastern Europe. We highlight the growth in the non-routine cognitive component of jobs, but pay particular attention to the increase in routine cognitive tasks, a trend that is pronounced in the CEE economies but absent in the most ...
2016-04-04 Public finance in Poland – evolution, characteristics and perspectives
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The study is a description of public finance in Poland made by comparing the most important features of this sector in Poland and Central and Eastern European countries, European Union and OECD in the period 2004-2014. The following topics are discussed: scope of the public sector, sources of public revenue, ...
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