
J23      Labor Demand
( 15 - Publication )
2024-09-10 Automation, Trade Unions and Involuntary Atypical Employment
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We study the effect of the adoption of automation technologies – industrial robots, software and databases – on the incidence of atypical employment in 13 E.U. countries between 2006 and 2018. We combine survey microdata with sectoral information on technology use and exploit the variation at the demographic group level. Using ...
2023-10-09 Automation and income inequality in Europe
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We study the effects of robot penetration on household income inequality in 14 European countries between 2006–2018, a period marked by the rapid adoption of industrial robots. We establish that, similarly to the United States, automation reduced relative hourly wages and employment of directly affected European demographic groups. We then use the estimated ...
2022-11-28 The global divergence in the de-routinisation of jobs
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We establish new stylised facts about the global evolution and distribution of routine and non-routine work, relaxing the common assumption that occupations are identical globally. We combine survey data and regression models to predict the country-specific routine-task intensity of occupations in 87 countries employing over 2.5 billion workers, equivalent ...
2022-09-12 The Impact of ICT and Robots on Labour Market Outcomes of Demographic Groups in Europe
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We study the age- and gender-specific labour market effects of two key modern technologies – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and robots – in 14 European countries between 2010-2018. To identify the causal effects of technology adoption, we utilize the variation of technology adoption between industries and apply the ...
2022-01-12 The impact of robots on labour market transitions in Europe.
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We study the effects of robot exposure on worker flows in 16 European countries between 1998-2017. Overall, we find small negative effects on job separations and small positive effects on job findings. Labour costs are shown to be a major driver of cross-country differences: the effects of robot exposure are generally larger in absolute terms ...
2020-06-17 The global distribution of routine and non-routine work
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Studies of the effects of technology and globalization on employment and inequality commonly assume that occupations are identical around the world in the job tasks they require. To relax this assumption, we develop a regression-based methodology to predict the country-specific routine task intensity (RTI) of occupations based on survey data collected in 46 ...
2020-06-03 The heterogenous regional effects of minimum wages in Poland
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Since 2008, Poland has been among the EU countries that have increased their minimum wage levels the most, following period in the mid-2000s during which the country’s minimum wage was barely raised. We evaluate the impact of these minimum wage hikes on employment and wage growth in Poland between 2004 ...
2019-04-23 Technology, Skills, and Globalization: Explaining International Differences in Routine and Nonroutine Work Using Survey Data
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The shift away from manual and routine cognitive work, and towards non-routine cognitive work is a key feature of labor markets. There is no evidence, however, if the relative importance of various tasks differs between workers performing seemingly similar jobs in different countries. We develop worker-level, survey-based measures of ...
2018-06-25 How does technology change the nature of work? Poland vs. the EU
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*I would like to express my gratitude to Wojciech Hardy for his help in preparing the diagrams and collaboration in writing scientific articles which were the starting point for this paper. I would also like to thank Roma Keister and Szymon Górka for collaboration in ...
2018-03-19 Tasks and skills in European labour markets. Background paper for the World Bank report “Growing United: Upgrading Europe’s Convergence Machine”
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Since the 1970s, the reallocation of labour from manual to cognitive jobs, and from routine work to non-routine work, has been one of the key developments on labour markets around the world. In this paper we collect the stylised facts on the evolution of the task content of jobs in European countries ...
2018-03-19 Age, tasks and skills in European labour markets. Background paper for the world bank report “Growing United: Upgrading Europe’s Convergence Machine”
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There are important intergenerational differences behind aggregate shifts away from manual jobs towards cognitive jobs, and away from routine work towards non-routine work. We study these age and cohort patterns in tasks and skills in European countries. Changes in the task composition were happening much faster among workers born ...
2017-03-28 Routine and ageing? The Intergenerational Divide In The Deroutinisation Of Jobs In Europe
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This paper analyses the age dimension of changes in the task composition of jobs in 12 European countries between 1998 and 2015. We use the approach proposed by Autor et al. (2003) and Acemoglu & Autor (2011), and combine O*NET occupation content data with EU-LFS individual data to construct five task content ...
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