
J22      Time Allocation and Labor Supply
( 10 - Publication )
2024-01-24 Minimum Hours Constraints: The Role of Organizational Culture
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We develop a model in which minimum hours constraints (MHC) arise due to both the characteristics of the production function and managerial attitudes. The importance of the organizational culture can be deduced from the correlation between the MHC faced by core task personnel and administrative workers. The tasks performed by administrative workers, ...
2023-04-06 What if she earns more? Gender norms, income inequality, and the division of housework.
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Using data from the “Generation and Gender Survey” for Poland, we study the relationship between women’s relative income within the household, as measured by the female share of total household income, and women’s involvement in housework. We find that households in which the woman contributes more to the total household income are ...
2021-09-30 Flexibility of working time arrangements and female labor market outcome
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We use data from 2019 EU LFS to study gender and parenthood gaps in flexibility in working time arrangements. We find that overall in Europe, there is no statistically significant gender difference in access to flexible work arrangements. However, women are less likely than men to have flexible working hours in the Central-Eastern and Southern European countries. ...
2021-08-24 Labor supply effects of a universal cash transfer
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Unconditional cash transfers in the form of a universal basic income, a universal basic pension or a universal child benefit are increasingly being discussed in many countries. In this article, I investigate the labor supply effects of the introduction of a large unconditional cash benefit. I exploit the unique design of the child benefit program ...
2020-01-16 Increasing female labour force participation in Poland
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I would like to thank Jan Rutkowski for his support in preparing the paper and all valuable remarks and Mateusz Smoter for his helpful comments. The content of this publication reflects the opinions of the author, which may diverge from the position of the Institute ...
2019-02-18 The Added Worker Effect, Employment Contracts, and the Reasons for the Wife’s Inactivity
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The recent literature provide compelling evidence of the existence of a significant added worker effect (AWE) - wives increase their labour supply in response to the job displacement of their husbands. However, little is known about the heterogeneity of the effect. I study the variation in the AWE depending on the ...
2018-05-18 Working time flexibility and parental ‘quality time’ spent with children
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The aim of our paper is to analyse the relationship between working time flexibility and parental time devoted to children. Using data from a large panel survey of Polish households carried out in 2013 and 2014 (Determinants of Educational Decisions Household Panel Survey, UDE) we investigate whether and how various ...
2018-03-20 The “Family 500+” child allowance and female labour supply in Poland
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In 2016 the Polish government introduced a large new child benefit, called “Family 500+”, with the aim to increase fertility from a low level and reduce child poverty. The benefit is universal for the second and every further child and means-tested for the first child. Increasing out-of-work income significantly, ...
2015-01-28 Youth unemployment and mental health: dominance approach. Evidence from Poland
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Martyna Kobus (Institute of Economics of Polish Academy of Sciences) and Marcin Jakubek (Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych PAN) present evidence on the relationship between mental health and unemployment among Polish youth. The literature establishes links between mental health and unemployment, but the evidence concerning youths is scarce. ...
2009-12-22 Social Capital, Trust, and Multiple Equilibria in Economic Performance
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We propose a novel mechanism giving rise to poverty traps and multiple equilibria in economic performance. It is a potentially important source of persistent underdevelopment across countries and regions. At the core of this mechanism, bridging social capital and social trust feed back on each other, interdependently affecting individuals' earnings and subjective ...
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