
( 10 - Publication )
2023-01-27 The Employment Effects of the Disability Education Gap in Europe
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We investigate the role of education in creating employment opportunities for persons with disabilities across the European Union. We use the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for 2011-2019. We find that educational attainment is a major factor determining the probability of employment among persons with disabilities. In particular, ...
2022-07-06 Informing young unemployed people about support measures – does it work?
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We conducted a survey experiment in Poland to investigate how providing young people from the NEET group with information affected their rate of registration with the public employment services. The individuals assigned to the treatment group received information about the services offered by the PES. The information was followed by three text ...
2020-05-06 Overeducation and wages: the role of cognitive skills and personality traits
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This article investigates the role of personality traits and cognitive skills as potential determinants of overeducation and in explaining overeducation wage penalty. Using a representative survey of the Polish working-age population, with well-established measures of cognitive skills and personality traits, I find that accounting for personality and cognitive skills ...
2017-04-27 Measuring skills mismatches revisited – introducing sectoral approach
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Appropriate measuring of skills mismatches is necessary to create an adequate policy response. We analyse the existing evidence, in particular in large scale international surveys: Survey of Skills (PIAAC) and European Skills and Jobs Survey (ESJ). We find out that national, occupational and sectoral differences in the scale of the skills ...
2015-11-28 Can endogenous technology choices explain wage inequality dynamics?
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The paper studies the dynamics of college wage premium across OECD countries. It reports that countries which experienced college wage premium growth higher than that of other countries also witnessed a higher growth of the skills supply ten years earlier. Regression results suggest that this pattern ...
2015-01-20 Opening up opportunities: education reforms in Poland
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Poland is one of the few European countries that achieved strong improvement of student performance over the last decade. According to the OECD PISA results Poland moved from below to above the OECD average and now is close to top-performing countries. The score improvements are a consequence of Polish ...
2015-01-13 Intergenerational educational mobility and completed fertility
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This paper investigates the role of intergenerational social mobility in completed fertility of women born between 1948 and 1972 in Poland. It examines the hypothesis of acculturation, which implies that fertility of the mobiles will be in between that seen in their parents’ (origin) and their new (destination) stratum. Using ...
2014-12-18 Computers at schools: it’s not enough to have them and it’s not enough to use them
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In this policy paper we discussed a broad range of topics covering student access to computers at home and school, different uses of computers for learning and the impact of ICT use on different groups of students. Introducing computers into schools generates both new opportunities and challenges. Basic computer skills are ...
2014-11-20 Time for quality in vocational education
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The aim of this text is to summarise the key changes in the situation of vocational education graduates on the labour market in the last 25 years in Poland. It presents the main changes in vocational education and the sources of the observed problems, while discussing possible systemic solutions. The authors ...
2013-09-26 Does gender matter for lifelong learning activity?
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Development and maintaining skills in a life course through various lifelong learning activities is crucial to sustain employability, particularly in the context of longer working lives and more competitive economic environment. In the paper we investigate the determinants and obstacles in lifelong learning from a gender perspective. Based on the results of Labour Force ...
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