
If half of inactive Poles would start doing physical exercise…
What is the level of physical activity among Poles? What are the social benefits coming from investment in sports? We present the results of our study conducted for the Polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism.
Transition to low-carbon economy
What are the risks associated with a low-carbon transition? First results of the country case studies within the TRANSrisk project – report for thr European Commission.
Jobs and Development Conference. November 2-3, 2016, Washington D.C.
The Network on Jobs and Development and the World Bank Jobs Group held a two-day conference to discuss the latest policy-relevant research to foster the creation of multi-sector, multi-disciplinary solutions to jobs challenges around the world.
IBS research to be presented at a seminar in Hong Kong
Piotr Lewandowski will present the results of research on routinisation of labour markets in Central and Eastern European countries at a seminar organised by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute for Emerging Market Studies.
Advances in fuel poverty research and practice: a pan-European early career researcher symposium
A pan-European early career researcher symposium „Advances in fuel poverty research and practice” took place in Manchester, UK on September 20.
Jobs and Development conference
On November 2-3, IBS will co-host the Jobs and Development conference in Washington D.C. We kindly invite you to submit your papers, with the deadline of August 28.
Shaping the new world of work. The impacts of digitalisation and robotisation
The impact of digital technologies on the quantity and quality of jobs, wages and workplace relations was the topic of the ETUC/ETUI conference which took place on 27-29 June 2016 in Brussels.
IBS Team at the NTA 11 workshop and symposium in Senegal
Piotr Lewandowski, Wojciech Hardy and Maciej Lis participated in the National Transfer Account (NTA) workshop in Saly, Senegal that took place from June 21 to June 24.
Implications of the retreat from mandatory pension funds in CEE
Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, via World Bank Blogs, talks about the consequences of the recent post-financial crisis retreat from mandatory pension funds among CEE countries.
Retention of older female workers essential for countering ageing
Wojciech Hardy on World Bank blog about the recent IBS research on job retention of workers nearing retirement.
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