Youth employment partnerSHIP – evaluation studies in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland

realization time: 10.2018 – 06.2022

Project website:

How effectively are young people supported on the labour market? Project “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” aims to answer this question by evaluating employment initiatives targeting youth in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland.

The European Youth Guarantee (EYG) was introduced in 2013 to combat youth unemployment. Five years in, policies resulting from EYG still lack comprehensive evaluations in a cross-country framework. The countries participating in the project share common challenges of high youth unemployment and low capacity to perform high quality impact studies of youth employment Initiatives.

The project will evaluate two set of initiatives:

  • outreach activities of Public Employment Services (PES) and
  • job trials/job subsidies to different job contracts offered to youth, with a particular attention paid to gender dimension of policy targeting and outcomes.

We will use harmonized methods of evaluation based on similar administrative data, which are little explored in CEE and SE Europe. These evaluation studies will be complemented with RCT (Randomized Control Trials) experiments in Hungary, Poland and Spain. They will assess which interventions have the potential to boost outreach to inactive, unregistered youth.

In addition, the project will build capacity in research institutions to implement evaluation studies of employment initiatives by creating a transnational research network on youth employment policies, internships for PhD students and workshops on evaluation methods for researchers from other institutions. It will also promote the use of impact studies among policy-makers. As a result, youth employment policies can become more effective.

All publications prepared as a part of the project are available on the project’s website.


The „Youth employment partnerSHIP – evaluation studies in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland” project benefits from 1,8 million € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The Fund supports international project initiatives that promote sustainable and quality youth employment in Europe.

The project is implemented by:

Lead partner – IBS (Institute for Structural Research from Warsaw, Poland)

Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis (Hungary)

Collegio Carlo Alberto (Italy)

Foundation for Applied Economics Studies – FEDEA (Spain)

National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies – INAPP (Italy)

University of the Basque Country (Spain)

Expertise partners

NHH Norwegian School of Economics (Norway)

Paris School of Economics (France)

The World Bank

IBS - principal investigator:
Iga Magda
IBS - researchers:
Marta Palczyńska, Jan Gromadzki, Mateusz Smoter

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IBS research at ESPE 2023 – the Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics
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Marta Palczyńska at SEHO 2023 – the Annual Meeting of the Society of Economics of the Household
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The results of a wage subsidy programme at the IZA workshop.
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The ‘Youth Employment policy’ conference 8th of June 2022 on-site in Brussels and online
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“Youth employment policy” Conference – join us!
What must we do to improve youth employment support programs? – Iga Magda, vice-president of the Institute for Structural Research.
“Youth employment policy” Conference
8th of June 2022 Business &Science Poland Conference Centre Rue Belliard 40, Brussels + online
“Youth emplyoment partnerSHIP” has been launched!
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“Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” launch event
We kindly invite you to the launch event for our new international project „Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” – Warsaw, January 16.
What works for whom? Youth labour market policy in Poland – webinar
Summary of the workshop on the evaluation of active labour market policies available in Poland for the unemployed youth.
2023-06-15 The employment effects of a wage subsidy for the young during an economic recovery
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This study investigates the employment effects of a large-scale wage subsidy programme for the young unemployed that was introduced in 2016, during a period of recovery in the Polish economy. The focus is on the question of whether the effects differed between men and women. The study employs a large population ...
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The purpose of this policy brief is to call attention to the lack of outreach to vulnerable youth by focusing on the experiences of four European countries (Spain, Hungary, Italy, and Poland). We also show why the PES might not make sufficient efforts to incentivise vulnerable young people to register as jobseekers. Addressing this ...
2022-07-06 Informing young unemployed people about support measures – does it work?
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We conducted a survey experiment in Poland to investigate how providing young people from the NEET group with information affected their rate of registration with the public employment services. The individuals assigned to the treatment group received information about the services offered by the PES. The information was followed by three text ...
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This publication was created as part of the “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” project, which seeks to combat unemployment among young people. It measures the effectiveness of instruments to support young people who aren’t working or studying in four countries: Poland, Spain, Italy and Hungary. The project ...
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authors:    /   /   / 
This publication was created as part of the “Youth Employment PartnerSHIP” project, which seeks to combat unemployment among young people. It measures the effectiveness of instruments to support young people who aren’t working or studying in four countries: Poland, Spain, Italy and Hungary. The project ...
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persons from IBS
Katarzyna Lipowska
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Marta Palczyńska
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Magdalena Wojtuch-Krasuska
managing director
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Iga Magda
vice president of the board
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