Administrative data for the purposes of research and policy analysis

September 24 2017
On September 21-22, 2017, the seminar “Access to anonymised administrative data for the purposes of research and policy analysis” was held in Budapest.

This year Hungary celebrates a 10-years anniversary of adoption of changes in law improving access to administrative data. The purpose of the seminar was to share experience in the use of administrative data in Hungary as well as other CEE countries. It will be soon followed by the publication of a policy brief summarising the experience.

At the seminar, the presentations were delivered, inter alia, by: Paweł Wojciechowski, the chief economist of Polish Social Insurance Institution and former finance minister, Martin Kahanec, professor at the Central European University in Budapest (CEU), and János Köllő, research director at the Economic Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. See the detailed agenda.

Iga Magda and Jan Baran took part in the seminar on behalf of IBS. Iga Magda focused in her presentation on discussing the advantages and limitations of using administrative data and promoting the use of such data. Jan Baran presented the results of evaluation of labour market intervention under the Youth Employment Initiative in Poland, which was conducted by the Institute for Structural Research on behalf of the Polish Ministry of Economic Development. We encourage to read the report with all results.

Other materials:

  • the press release
  • the presentations (event’s website)
  • the presentations of Iga Magda and Jan Baran (IBS)


The seminar was organised by the Hungarian Society of Economists in collaboration with: IBS (Poland), Budapest Institute (Hungary), Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI, Czechia) and Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI, Slovakia). The seminar has received funding from the Visegrad Fund.

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