
( 10 - Publication )
2024-03-11 How to use social support networks to tackle energy poverty?
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Some households in an energy poverty crisis cannot rely on support from other people. Also, the effectiveness of programs combating energy poverty is limited due to difficulties in reaching households in crisis. Without institutional, material, and emotional support, people experiencing energy poverty cannot improve their situation. We argue for broader usage ...
2023-06-28 The role of Global Value Chains for worker tasks and wage inequality
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This paper studies the relationship between global value chain (GVC) participation, worker-level routine task intensity, and wage inequality within countries. Using unique survey data from 38 countries, we find that higher GVC participation is associated with more routine-intensive work, especially among workers in offshorable occupations. This effect ...
2023-05-24 Distributional effects of carbon pricing in Poland
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The report aims to indicate the potential effects of climate policy and point out mechanisms to reduce inequalities caused by increased energy prices. Based on the macroeconomic model and microsimulation, we present the effects of carbon pricing and its consequences for economic sectors and households within a ten-year horizon. We indicate that ...
2023-04-06 What if she earns more? Gender norms, income inequality, and the division of housework.
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Using data from the “Generation and Gender Survey” for Poland, we study the relationship between women’s relative income within the household, as measured by the female share of total household income, and women’s involvement in housework. We find that households in which the woman contributes more to the total household income are ...
2019-11-06 Trends in occupational segregation by gender in a post-communist country
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The communist states promoted women’s participation in the labour market and encouraged women to enter male-dominated occupations, which should have resulted in relatively low levels of occupational segregation by gender. I show that after the transition to the market economy, the level of occupational segregation by gender in Poland did not increase, but ...
2019-06-12 Gender Pay Gap Patterns in Domestic and Foreign-Owned Firms
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We investigate differences in gender wage gaps between foreign-owned and domestically-owned firms in Poland, a country that has experienced large FDI inflows over the past three decades. We show that according to standard estimates of adjusted gender wage gaps, these differences are much larger in the foreign-owned companies than in the domestic firms. ...
2019-01-31 Gender wage gap in the workplace: Does the age of the firm matter?
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We contribute to the literature on firm-level determinants of gender wage inequalities by studying the link between a firm’s age and the size of its gender pay gap. Using European Structure of Earnings data for eight European countries, we find that in all of these countries, the gender wage gaps are smallest ...
2018-12-12 Do female managers help to lower within-firm gender pay gaps? Public institutions vs. private enterprises
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We analyse the link between the presence of female managers and the size of the firm-level gender pay gap. We look separately at the private and public sector, basing on a large linked employer-employee dataset for Poland. Using a non-parametric and parametric decompositions, we find that higher presence of female managers is ...
2017-06-20 Is high inequality an issue in Poland?
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The author would like to thank Beata Kwiatkowska, Piotr Lewandowski and Jan Rutkowski for their helpful comments and remarks. The usual disclaimers apply. Independent study based on Eurostat data. Eurostat has no responsibility for the results and the conclusions. The content of this publication reflects ...
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